The first time I made this great body/hair butter was three months ago, it was so great it did not take long before my daughter transfer it from my room to hers, she's been using it since. When my Son came back home from college for Thanksgiving, he used it for his feet and was so happy with the results he asked me to make some for him. So this morning before he went back to school I made a small jar for him.
I used : 4oz of unrefined shea butter
2Tbsp of almond oil
2Tbsp of grapeseed oil
2Tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
1Tbsp of palma christi oil (castor oil)
I melted the shea butter au bain marie by placing a glass bowl containing the shea butter in a pan fill with water on low heat, you can melt it in the microwave but I prefer not.
I put the melted shea butter in the freezer, if you are not in a hurry like I was, you can put it in the fridge. So I put the bowl in the freezer until it looks like butter then I whipped it using a hand mixer for 5mns, I added the oils and whipped again until it turned like soft butter (5mns)
I transfer it to a glass jar(Gerber baby food jar) and put a homemade label on it. FRUGALITY my friends!
*SHEA BUTTER has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties, prevent wrinkles, activates collagen, softens cracked skin, great source of vitamin E and A that renew and regenerate cells, reduces the occurrence of skin cancer. It can be use to calm skin after minor burns. It softens tough skin on feet, especially heels.
Shea butter is very good for hair, it restores luster to hair, provides moisture to dry or damaged hair from the roots to the ends. It can be use on the entire body, it is suitable for all hair and skin types, it provides protection, healing and moisture to hair and body.
*ALMOND OIL promotes healthy hair, nourishes and smoothes hair cuticles. makes hair grow strong, add shine to hair, controls hair loss.
It contains vitamins B1, B6, B2 and A, it stimulates skin renewal, delays ageing process, lightens dark circles, soothes skin irritation and inflammation, improves skin complexion, cures chapped lips and body rashes.
*GRAPESEED OIL contains the antioxydants polyphenols that help slow the process of aging, tightens the skin, it's a wonderful moisturizer, it inhibits fine lines and wrinkles.
Grapeseed oil can be applied on all hair types, it smooths the hair cuticles, moisturizes and nourishes the hair.
Regular use of grapeseed oil make hair strong, healthy and shiny.
*EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL works as a natural hair conditioner, it nourishes, conditions and improves the elasticity of your hair. EVOO is rich in antioxydants polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol that slow aging by stabilizing the cell plasma membrane. It promotes supple skin, lustrous hair strong nails, radiant smooth complexion.
*PALMA CHRISTI (Palm of Christ) CASTOR OIL- has powerful healing properties, soothes and softens the skin, it promotes hair growth, has many benefits for arthritis, injuries, back pain, helps in fungal infection.
Thanks for this great post and the useful information on the ingredients.